Sound Advice And Creative Solutions To Meet Your Goals

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Lidia Law Firm is dedicated to helping individuals and businesses protect their interests and achieve their goals. Located in Edmond, we serve clients in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area and throughout the state.

Lidia Law Firm provides advice, services and representation in these areas:

  • Estate Planning: We can draft crucial estate planning documents, plan business succession and develop asset protection strategies.
  • Business Planning: Get assistance with all legal matters affecting businesses and tax-exempt organizations in Oklahoma, including commercial and residential real estate transactions.

We See The Big Picture

At Lidia Law Firm, our attorneys have more than 30 years of experience serving the legal needs of our clients in the areas of estate planning and business planning.

Read more about our attorneys:

Our highly competent attorneys are prepared to put their experience and knowledge to work for you.

We Take A Proactive Approach

When advising you regarding a particular legal matter, we will look at the total impact the matter has on your life and the impact it may have on your future. This integrated approach enables us to anticipate possible problems that may not be apparent and take measures to protect your interests. As your life changes and your career develops, Lidia Law Firm can provide additional services designed to reach the solutions you need.

Learn How We Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Lidia Law Firm will work diligently to achieve your goals. You can learn more about our firm and its capabilities when you make a consultation. To schedule your consultation, call 405-216-8661 or contact us online.

Providing Estate Planning and Business Planning Services for Clients Throughout Oklahoma

Let us serve you.
